Special educational needs and disability (SEND) Information
What Is Inclusion?
At Benson, we all work to create an environment where all children feel welcome, accepted, valued, safe and confident that they will get the right support to help develop their talent and achieve their goals. We work hard to help remove barriers to learning, to give each child the chance to reach their full potential. Successful inclusive provision is seen as the responsibility of the whole school community and is applicable to all pupils.
Inclusion Manager/ SENCO: Ms Beer
Every member of teaching staff at Benson supports inclusion within both inside and out of the classroom.
Tel: 0121 554 4913
Outside Agencies Working With Our Children
Hayley Greatorex is our speech and language therapist from Soundswell. She works in school on Mondays and Wednesdays with children that have Speech and Language, Communication difficulties.
The school works closely with outside agencies to gain additional support and advice for children who may need it. When staff and/or parents raise concerns, it may be necessary to consult specific agencies.
Pupil and School Support Service
Sensory Support Service: Hearing and Visual impairment teams.
Educational Psychologist
Physical Difficulties Support team
CAT: Communication and Autism Team
Community Paediatrician